суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

Д/З на 22.01.19

 Учим стихи!)))

 1: I am the letter A.
Apples here, apples there,         
Apples, apples everywhere!      (Голубев И., Мишичев И.)

2: I am the letter B.
Bounce! Bounce! It is my ball!
It doesn’t want to stop at all.     (Сергеев А.)

3: I am the letter C.
I am the cat.
My name is Hat.
 I am not fat.
I like to chat.                         (Коваль А., Михонина А.)

4: I am the letter D.
 I am the dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.      (Филипенко Д., Голубев И., Обгольцева Е., Абдрахманов А.)

5: I am the letter E.
Little yellow bee, bee, bee!
 How many flowers can you see?    (Ильина П., Александров М.)

6: I am the letter F.
 F is for flowers:
Red and blue,
White and yellow,
And rosy, too.                     (Филипенко Д., Кондратьева Д., Афанасьев П.)

7: I am the letter G.
I am a girl.
 I’ve got a doll.
 Her name is May!
We like to play.                   (Афанасьев П., Петрушевская П.)

8:  I am the letter H.
Little mouse, little mouse!
Where is your house?
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.          Сергеев А.

9: I am the letter I.
I is for I.
I am a boy, and I am ten,
 I like to play with my brother Ben.        (Грек А., Коваль А.)

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